Adventure June 19, 2017 Five Months In. Five months have passed. Semester one is finished. Australia is still epic. Here’s three little… Karen Brink 0 Love1
Adventure May 19, 2017 Four Months In. Four whole months… Are you serious? I’m nearly halfway through this year! WHAT?! Alright, anyway...… Karen Brink 0 Love0
Adventure April 19, 2017 Three Months In. I didn't realize resting could be such a difficult task. The three month mark of… Karen Brink 0 Love0
Adventure March 19, 2017 Two Months In. Two months. Sometimes it feels like time goes by quickly, and other times it seems frustratingly… Karen Brink 0 Love0
Adventure February 19, 2017 One Month In. Exactly one month ago I stepped onto Australian soil, beginning this incredible new season of… Karen Brink 0 Love0